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Double Heart String Art Tutorial

If you want to make a quick and cute home decor project, this is the right place for you! If you have a hammer and some embroidery floss, you can make this love-ly project in no time at all. I've created a template to make it even easier for you to recreate this heart string art sign for your own home.

Step by Step String Art Tutorial with photos of each step

Making a string art home decor piece can be easy for a person with any level of experience. You will just have to follow this simple step-by-step tutorial to make a cute decor piece in your favorite color.
This month I'm joining with a group of crafty bloggers in a destash challenge. What is that you are wondering? Well, as craft bloggers, we tend to buy quite a bit of supplies because of all the creative projects on our never ending project list. Sometimes those supplies start to take over crafting spaces.

For our challenge we try to use items we already have in our stash, with spending less than $10  on additional supplies. Everything I used for this project I had leftover from previous crafty projects or thrift store finds. Yay!

DIY Heart String Art Project

For this challenge we agreed to use supplies that we already own so we can buy more supplies find what we are looking for in our craft rooms. I decided to use one of my many wood pieces for this challenge. I actually made multiple projects, so my storage cube has a bit more space now. To see the great projects from my fellow craft bloggers, check out the links at the bottom of this post!

Two Heart String Art Decor Project

I have always loved the look of string art projects, but never got around to trying to make one until this past week. I was in charge of a craft night for the ladies at church and we each made a super cute project. Some of us did initals, a single heart, or those cute triple hearts. It made me excited to come home and design a double heart project to share with you!

Some of the ladies are experienced crafters, but others don't make many projects at all. All 30 of them were able to make a string art project to take home that night. A few have even made more on their own time at home and it always makes me so glad that they enjoy our ladies nights.

Supplies Used to Make String Art

Make Your Own String Art Project with a few supplies
Some of the following links are affiliate links. I will receive a small portion of any sale in exchange for advertizing these products.
  • Wood Board/Plaque - I used an 8x8 scrap piece I had that is 1" thick. You can find a rectangle piece here
  • Embroidery Floss in your favorite color. I used DMC Cotton Pearl Color Variations. I bought mine at my local Jo-Ann store
  • Wire Nails - 3/4 inch or 1 inch long would work
  • Hammer
  • Wood Stain - I buy Minwax at Walmart. They have a great selection of stain colors
  • Rubber/Vinyl Gloves
  • Rag/Paper Towel 
  • Super Glue (optional)

String Art Step-by-Step Tutorial

Printable Two Heart Template for String Art Project
     1. First you will need to download or print the PDF I created of the double heart template. It will print on a letter size paper. You can click the underlined link or click on the image and it will let you save or print the file.

Make Your Own Heart Sting Art Home Decor Piece

     2. Put on gloves and use a rag to stain the wood. The thicker you layer the stain, the deeper the color. If the stain goes on too dark, you can use a clean rag to wipe excess off while it is wet. Let stain dry completely (it took about 45 minutes).

Heart String Art - A great beginner string art project

     3. Place the template on top of your wood board. Center the paper template how you would like it.
     4. Working from the middle of the paper out, start to hammer the wire nails partway into the board. You DO NOT want to nail them all the way down or you will not be able to wrap the string on the nails.
     5. Depending on how thick of thread you want the finished product to have, you will use the corosponding number. I like mine to be more sparse, so didn't completely line the outline of the hearts with nails. I have seen other projects where there are so many nails close together that it is hard to manuver the thread around the nails to make the project.
  • I used 14 nails evenly spaced around the smaller inside heart. I used 23 nails on the larger heart. There are 7 nails per side of the wood square.
step by step tutorial to make your own string art

     6. Peel off the paper from the board. If you do this carefully, it won't leave paper pieces attached to the nails. If a nail is not in the board firm enough, it may come out at this point. Use the hammer to put the nail in more securely.

Use embroidery floss to make string art

     7. Just as when you added the nails to the board, you will work from the center to the outside edge of your project. Tie a knot around one of the nails, then start to wrap the thread/floss around the nails. 
  • Choose a side of the nail to wrap around, then continue that the whole way around. You will have a single strand on one side of the nail.
  • To make the double strand as I did in the image above, when you get to the nail that you started on, you will wrap the thread around the other direction and continue on around the heart. It will make a strand on the other side of the nail and make it look like the double strand in the image above.
     8. After you have created the outline of the small heart, fill in the middle. I just went from one nail to another and didn't follow a set pattern.
  • If you want a fuller heart, wrap back and forth many times
  • You can do a side to side fill in for a smooth look
  • This is where your personal creativity comes in! Have fun with this!
Easy Tutorial to Make Your Own Two-Heart String Art

     9. Next make an outline around the larger heart. One you reach where you started on the heart, lead the string to the outer nails along the edge of the board then back to the nail where you started. Do that twice to make a thicker line. Work your way around connecting the heart to the outside of the board.
  • Sometimes one nail from the border of the heart will go to multiple nails along the edge.
  • Sometimes one edge nail will go to multiple nails that outline the heart. 
  • When creating my project, I tried a few different ways until I liked the result.
  • In general, there will be a higher concentration of threads at the top of the heart because there are more nails.
     10. Make an outline of thread around the nails on the edge of the board.
     11. Tie off your thread by making a knot around a nail. You can use a dot of super glue on the ends that are tied onto a nail just to make it a bit more secure.

There you go! Your first string art project of many...hopefully. There are so many super cute tutorials out there for other projects. You can check out my String Art Pinterest board for more crafty inspiration!

Easy Step-by-Step craft tutorial to make your own double-heart string art project


Every month a group of bloggers are challenged by C'mon Get Crafty to create a new craft or project from their own stash of goodies! Everyone is allowed a $10 allowance for necessities to complete their project (i.e. paint brushes, glue, etc), but the bulk of it must be created from their own stash of goodies.

Craft Room De-Stash Monthly Challenge

Let's meet this month's bloggers!!


  1. That came out great! My boys and I have tried string art a time or two and it can be frustrating if your design doesn't come out just right. Pinned.

  2. Your string heart art looks lovely. I haven't ever tried doing string art, so thanks for the easy to follow tutorial.

  3. I love string art, Ali! And you did an amazing job in creating this one!

  4. So pretty and what a fun project! I've never done string art but I certainly have plenty of embroidery floss to give it a try!

  5. I haven't tried string art before but keep telling myself I will someday. This is a great project and you did a good job on it.
